Make fast and safe payments using PayPal. When using your registered PayPal account, your payment details are never shared with Lah Lah. PayPal takes the payment from your card once the order has been shipped from the warehouse.
All campaigns with reduced price are limited in time. Multiple offers can normally not be combined. A discount code or voucher is only valid once per customer and purchase. In case of obvious misuse of offers, such as coupons and promotion codes, the webshop reserves the right to cancel the order in question. On orders eligible for a gift or discount the value of the gift/discount is considered as a general discount on the total amount of the order. If part of or the entire order is sent back for exchange or refund the value of the returned merchandise is recalculated and the purchase price minus the relative share of the overall discount will only be credited. Promotions and discount codes are only valid on new orders and cannot be applied retrospectively